Woo Hoo!!! I got my Carrier Air Wing Jamma cabinet today. Kevin, the dude who delivered it was really cool. Strong as a mule and was able to offload my cabinet off his truck and a move a 4 player Simpsons all by himself. Dropped it off right at my garage. Plugged it in and the monitor looked good, a nice 19" Wells Gardner with mostly new caps installed. He loaded up a few credits and we started a 2p game. I noticed that the fuel meter at the bottom and the top part above the score wasn't visible. Also the stick would catch a bit when going from up to down. I didn't notice it at the time, but he didn't play long. I found out later that up didn't work on the 2up side. Later in the day I found that down stopped working spontaneously on the 1up side, but it was probably the humidity because it happened around when it started raining. Anyway, we bullshitted for awhile before he took off to deliver his Simpsons cab to someone in San Jose.

I inspected the cab and I have to say it was in way better shape than I could have hoped. All the wood was great. Only one leveler foot is messed up. Just a little wood near the bottom needs to be filled, one bent marquee holder, some odd screws, and some dirt here and there. T-molding isn't perfect. There's no locks, but it has a nice security bar that keeps the coin doors closed. The back lock was missing, so it was closed with a couple drywall screws. Looks like it was in a location and somebody loved it and kept it up for a long time.

For my purposes, I'll get started evaluating what I have and figuring out how to proceed. I'll try to retain the existing monitor. I know that Soft 15KHz will work on my video card; I just have to figure out how to build a VGA to Jamma cable. Also, I'll have to figure out how to discharge a monitor. I don't feel like taking 20,000 volts in my arm, through my heart and out my ass. :P. If I can't get it working well, I have the 21" VGA monitor to install in there, but I'd have to work on building a shelf for it, or remove the plastic case and jerry rig my own brackets to hold it in place. Most likely, it won't fit, damn thing is around 18" deep and i estimate I only have about 14" to 16" of room in the cab. If I'm lucky, it's actually 17" of room and the monitor without its case is 16" (yeah right). But first thing's first, I have to discharge these monitors before I start messing around with them.
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